How to make a delicious stuffed cabbage.
A simple dinner idea for colder days.
- 1 medium-sized Savoy cabbage 🥬
- 2 teaspoons of black pepper
- 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika dust
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 bag of microwave couscous or rice (or a mix of both), you can use regular, too.
- 1 small red onion 🧅
- 2 handfuls of chopped basil
- 1 medium-sized apple 🍎
- 2 teaspoons of mustard
- 250 g of beef or pork mince
- 1 can of tomato cream soup 🍅
- handful of grated Parmigianino Reggiano 🧀
- a splash of oil
- salt 🧂 for boiling leaves
Wash your cabbage, carefully remove cabbage leaves one by one, and then boil them in the salty water until they are tender. Set drained leaves aside to cool.
Peel and chop apple and onion.
Chop basil.
Pour a splash of oil into the pan, throw in apple and onion, and fry them on a small fire until the onion gets soft and translucent.
Cook rice or couscous in a microwave. You can use a microwave 'ready in two minutes' sachet or cook a bag of rice ( or couscous) using the traditional method.
Drain the grains and set them aside to cool.
Throw mince into a large mixing bowl, add spices and mustard. Mix it together. Add rice (or couscous), chopped basil, fried onion and apple. Mix it together until all the ingredients blend together nicely.
Put one or two tablespoons of meat mixture into a large boiled leave and wrap it around the meat as you would a tortilla when making burritos. Don't leave any gaps, though. Cover meat all around. Use two leaves if necessary. Repeat until you use all the meat and cabbage leaves.
Pour a splash of water into a large cooking pot and gently put cabbage rolls next to each other until the bottom of the pot is entirely covered.
Cover rolls with tomato soup, add a handful of grated Parmigianino Reggiano (sprinkle with more salt and pepper if you want to), and then put another layer of rolls, soup, and cheese on top of that.
Cook for around an hour on a medium fire.
Add more water if needed.
Serve and enjoy!
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